It is with great excitement I announce the first round of this amazing education series for 2020!
After becoming a doula, I assumed that I had it all under control. I was going to birth my second child with calmness and serenity. (Ha!)
I understood the Fear/Pain/Tension cycle!
I had the affirmations, I read the positive birthing stories, I was PREPARED!
You can imagine my surprise when I found myself stressed and scared towards the end of my pregnancy. You can imagine my surprise when I went into labour and realized that I had left out a very important part of the preparation.
What I needed was to create a space to slow down and dig deep.
What I needed was to explore my inner landscapes; my relationships with myself, my body, my baby, my own birth experiences.
I needed to be more in touch with the whole spectrum of emotions that one can feel during pregnancy and childbirth.
More connection to the divine feminine and the universal wisdoms of childbearing.
What I needed was more than evidence based information and hip squeezes.
If you are pregnant and feeling stressed, overwhelmed with the quantity and quality of information available, this series is for you.
If you want a safe and slow space where we will change the language of birth from fear to excitement, this series is for you.
Are you wondering about all the changes your body is about to or is already going through?
Curious about what happens during Labour and Delivery?
Wondering what it is like birthing at Cape Breton Regional Hospital?
Tips and Tricks from an RMT/Doula?
Craving ways to connect with your baby before they arrive?
Looking for community, support and education?
Ways to plan for an amazing postpartum?
Will you ever sleep again?!? Understanding infant sleep and ways to manage!
This series is for you!
Combining Science and Spirit: a holistic approach for soon to be parents, to prepare you for childbirth and parenting!

The Details!
Starting March 20th (Friday)
Running for 6 weeks.
Investment: Attend all 6 for 155$ (plus tax)
3 for 88$
1 for 33$
Time: 6:30 pm -8:00 pm
Location: The Hub Downtown
Classes are:
1. Prenatal Education: Anatomy and Physiology of Pregnancy and Labour and Delivery. What to expect at a hospital birth.
2. Planning for Postpartum: Bringing Baby Home and How to Thrive! (Not just survive!)
3. Let's Talk about Sleep, Baby!: Biologically normal sleep. Ways to meet baby's needs and your own! The history of Sleep Culture and Modern Day Sleep Culture.
4. Sacred Pregnancy: Rituals, Meditations, Reiki and Celebration of You and Baby!
5. Sacred Postpartum: Healing Rituals to Welcome Baby and Honour the Birthing Person!
6. Self Care: Supporting the Spirit and Conscious Parenting. Nutrition and Botanical Medicine to ease the body and mind and nourish the soul!
One of the first steps we can take as parents is ensuring that we are educated, empowered and excited BEFORE the big day arrives!
We are so blessed in Sydney to have several options for prenatal education, ranging from free options at the hospital, Lamaze trained education (Belle Vie Birth and Baby) and this!
It is obvious that in person prenatal sessions are needed. We need that connection, that warmth, that human interaction while we are growing our families and changing in so many ways!
We are here for you.
To help build your village.
To answer your questions.
To ensure that you feel heard!
Only 3 spots left, as of today, so sign up now!
